From September 9 to 11, 2024 – The Annual Technical Workshop 2024 was successfully concluded in Bangkok, Thailand. Approximately 80 participants joined the workshop to discuss challenges and solutions in project management, co-hosted by the Royal Forest Department of Thailand. The workshop commenced with opening remarks by the Executive Director of AFoCO, followed by congratulatory remarks by the Deputy Director General of Royal Forest Department. The 3-day workshop included sessions on project management and performance review, 10-year assessment of AFoCO projects, AFoCO Project Manual revision, strategic planning and project development, and carbon project session. The workshop also organized the 1st AFoCO Photo Exhibition, where 24 projects participated and submitted project photographs for display and award.
Project Management and Performance Review Session
The project management and performance review session is divided into three main parts; completed projects, on-going projects, and projects to be launched. Each session comprised presentations by project managers and Q&A discussions moderated by Dr. Eunpyo Hong and Prof. Jisoon Chang. For completed projects, presenters highlighted impact and sustainability of projects, offering insights for other projects. On-going project managers showcased outcomes of projects, discussed challenges during project management, and suggested solutions. The key themes of presentations for on-going projects included:
- Customized restoration and reforestation models
- Climate change and biodiversity conservation
- Systematic management of forest resources and disasters
- Local livelihood improvement and community-based enterprise
For projects to be launched in 2024, presenters summarized their plan and the progress achieved to date. Following presentations on projects, the field trip to Bang Kra Jao provided an overview of the sustainable city forest and Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) program. On the second day of the workshop, participants enjoyed a field trip to a community forest in Bang Krajao, where they were able to experience dyeing activities provided by the community members.
Carbon Projects Session
The AFoCO Carbon Projects Team hosted an engaging session on Carbon Projects on Day 3 of ATW, bringing together stakeholders and experts to discuss key initiatives and updates. The session featured presentations from Climate Asset Management (CAM) and Acorn Project Focal Points from Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam. Attendees gained valuable insights into CAM’s investment processes and criteria, while the Acorn project focal points shared their progress in project development and implementation. Challenges encountered and strategies for overcoming them were also highlighted. Interactive Q&A sessions fostered meaningful discussions on carbon markets, benefit-sharing, and project financing. The senior investment manager from Climate Asset Management (CAM) introduced nature-based carbon credit projects, and the progress of the AFoCO-Acorn projects was reviewed. Participants showed significant interest in carbon projects and actively engaged in the Q&A session.
1st AFoCO Project Photo Exhibition
The 1st AFoCO Project Photo Exhibition was held concurrently with the workshop. Participants explored the projects through photos, and the winners were selected by combining the jury assessment and public vote. As a result, the Gold Award was presented to the project titled Innovative Solution for Climate Change and Biodiversity Landscape Strategy to Support SDGs in Indonesia (AFOCO/023/2021). It received high scores from both public vote and the jury for its clear depiction of the project’s main activities. The Silver Award was honored to the project code AFoCO/038/2023 (Cambodia) and AFoCO/025/2021 (Lao PDR). The Bronze Award was given to the project code AFoCO/015/2020 (Myanmar), AFoCo/030/2022 (Thailand), and AFoCO/029/2022 (Philippines).
In addition to the project presentations, the workshop covered sessions including synthesis and way forward, 10-year evaluation of AFoCO, project manual revision, introduction the Information and Data Platform, project development and AFoCO’s strategic plan, and nature finance for forest management by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). The workshop provided a valuable platform for all participants to align with AFoCO’s vision and discuss the future direction of its work towards a greener Asia.
The workshop ended with a closing remark from Mr. Sunpil Jin, Vice Executive Director of AFoCO, where he thanked every project manager and staffs who actively participated in the workshop and expressed hope that the 2025 Annual Technical Workshop will be evermore fruitful and interactive.
Contributed by Ms. Jang Jiyeong, OASIS Intern