AFoCO releases comic-based textbook for children

‘Exploring the Forest with Tory and Sully’

AFoCO believes that educating the younger generation about forests and the important roles they play in addressing global warming and other environmental issues can help inspire them to take action to conserve and manage forests in a sustainable manner and ensure that our forests continue to provide healthy ecosystem services in perpetuity.

The comic-based textbook features five chapters, each featuring a comic strip and an activity page intended for 10-12-year-olds, and a section on further learning for 13-16-year-olds. The textbook includes topics on how to plant, raise and manage a forest tree as well as the role of forests in combating climate change and land degradation, conserving biodiversity and providing other environmental benefits.


In 2020, the Burmese and Korean versions of the textbooks will be published and disseminated to AFoCO Member countries. Plans to translate the textbook into Khmer and Vietnamese are also underway! The books have also been sent to the AFoCO Regional Education and Training Center (RETC) in Myanmar to be used in the center’s educational programs.


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