AFoCO welcomes Kyrgyz Republic as new member Party

The Asian Forest Cooperation Organization welcomes the Kyrgyz Republic coming on board as a full-fledged Party. Having the Kyrgyz Republic as a Party to AFoCO will have an expanded regional representation of the Central Asian region, strengthening organizational presence on the global level and promoting diversification of programs.

With the latest deposit of the Instrument of Accession by the Kyrgyz Republic on 30 August 2022, there are 14 countries as Parties to AFoCO and 2 countries as Observers. Parties to AFoCO include Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Viet Nam. Meanwhile, Malaysia and Singapore are observers. AFoCO is bolstered with the support of all members to step forward in response to climate change and strengthen forest cooperation in Asia.

Mr. Ricardo Calderon, Executive Director, officially acknowledges the deposit of the Instrument of Accession of the Kyrgyz Republic on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Forest sector in the Kyrgyz Republic.

(From left to right) Vice Minister of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. Alisherov Nurdin; AFoCO Executive Director Mr. Ricardo Calderon; and the Head of the Forest Service of Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. Musaev Almaz
Commemorative photo taken during the handover of the official letter of confirmation welcoming Kyrgyzstan as a Party to AFoCO at the 75th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Forest Sector in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Mr. Calderon delivering a congratulatory speech at the event.

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