AFoCO’s active role in the 8th IUCN Asia Regional Conservation Forum: Hosting side event and LPA Management Team Meeting


The Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) is an intergovernmental organization that aims to promote cooperation among forestry stakeholders in the Asian region. Recognizing the importance of addressing biodiversity issues in Asian countries, AFoCO actively collaborates with other organizations to work towards sustainable solutions.

One such collaboration took place during the 8th IUCN Asia Regional Conservation Forum from September 3 to 5 2024, where AFoCO, on hebalf of Landscape Partnership Asia (LPA) Secretariat, partnered with various organizations including the Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFnet), Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF), Coorg Wildlife Society, IUCN Asia Regional Office, and the Regional Community Forestry Training Center (RECOFTC). Together, they organized a site event titled “Strengthening landscape approaches in Asia: restoring and conserving ecosystems, reducing risks, and empowering communities.”

8th IUCN Asia Regional Conservation Forum Side Event “Strengthening Landscape Approaches in Asia: Restoring and Conserving Ecosystems, Reducing Risks, and Empowering Communities

Figure 1. Dr. Kikang Bae, Team Leader of Strategic Planning Team giving a speech on Financing sustainable landscapes: Innovative mechanisms a nd lessons from the LPA

The site event aimed to bring together key stakeholders to strategize on enhancing landscape approaches to address biodiversity issues. By increasing awareness of effective landscape strategies and best practices, enhancing understanding of regional partnerships and collaboration mechanisms, identifying opportunities for upscaling and expanding landscape approaches such as Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Asia, and strengthening networks and knowledge-sharing among stakeholders and IUCN members, the event sought to achieve meaningful outcomes in biodiversity conservation.

It is expected that through collaborative efforts with various stakeholders, AFoCO is able to leverage expertise and resources to tackle complex biodiversity challenges in the Asian region. By working together towards common goals, hopefully,  AFoCO can make a significant impact in promoting sustainable forestry practices and biodiversity conservation in Asia.

3rd LPA Management Team Meeting

Figure 2. Group Photo of LPA Management Team Members during LPA Meeting

During the 8th IUCN Asia Regional Conservation Forum, AFoCO also made a significant impact by participating in the 3rd Meeting of the Landscape Partnership Asia (LPA) Management Team. At this meeting, AFoCO’s Vice Executive Director, Mr Sunpil Jin, highlighted the crucial role of partnerships in addressing land restoration challenges. He stressed the importance of inviting partners who are interested in tackling issues related to dryland and drought-prone areas, such as UNFF (United Nations Forum on Forests).

During the LPA meeting, AFoCO emphasized the significance of UNFF’s involvement in bridging connections between regions such as Asia and Africa. AFoCO also argue that the Director of UNFF have took a proactive step by officially submitting an Expression of Interest to join LPA, which likely enables UNFF to play a more active role as a member of the management team, despite their current advisory status.

In addition, AFoCO extended an invitation to the LPA’s Management team to participate in the upcoming Friends of Asia and Asian Forests (FAAF) event, which will be hosted by AFoCO on 29th October 2024. This event will provide a platform for further collaboration and exchange of ideas among stakeholders involved in conservation efforts in the region.


Overall, through hosting a side event at the 8th IUCN Asia Regional Conservation Forum, AFoCO is expected to leverage expertise and resources by collaborating with various stakeholders to tackle biodiversity challenges in the Asian region. By working towards common goals, AFoCO aims to make a significant impact in promoting sustainable forestry practices and biodiversity conservation in Asia. Furthermore, AFoCO’s active participation in the 3rd Meeting of the LPA Management Team showcased their commitment to sustainable dryland management practices and effective partnerships. Engaging with other important organizations, AFoCO is spearheading enhanced cooperation and collective action to address pressing environmental challenges in Asia.

Submitted by Rifki El Halim, Fellowship Official, Strategic Planning Team

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