AFoCO STEP Program 2024: Fostering international cooperation in forest conservation


On August 19, 2024, the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) successfully hosted the opening ceremony of the “Science and Technology Exchange Partnership (STEP)” program at its Secretariat, marking a significant step toward strengthening forest conservation cooperation with Central Asian countries. This year’s STEP program aims to enhance skills in forest plant biodiversity conservation among participants invited from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

2024 STEP Program Opening Ceremony at AFoCO Secretariat

The 2024 STEP program focuses on educating participants on the latest techniques in seed management and conservation of forest plants. The program spans two weeks, with the first week dedicated to theoretical lectures and practical sessions on seed collection, preservation, and vitality testing at the Baekdudaegan National Arboretum. The second week includes visits to key research institutions, such as the Nakdong-gang National Institute of Biological Resources, and practical training in plant propagation and management. The program successfully completed its first week, with participants actively engaging in hands-on training utilizing BDNA’s advanced technologies and resources.

Opening Remark by Dr. Tongil Kim, Director of Planning and Operations Division

2024 STEP Program Participants

The 2024 STEP program has invited four participants, two from Kazakhstan and two from Kyrgyzstan. These participants are experts in their respective countries’ forest biodiversity conservation efforts, working in key institutions such as the Astana Botanical Garden and the Research and Plant Protection Department in Kazakhstan, and the Forest Protection and Conservation Department in Kyrgyzstan. They possess extensive experience in botany and forest management and are equipped with the skills to propose and implement effective forest conservation and seed management strategies in their home countries.

Mr. Razhanov Medeu Razhanovich from the Kazakhstan
Mr. Assylbekov Bakytbek Satarovich from the Kazakhstan
Mr. Ashirbekov Jenishbek Abzhalbekovich from the Kyrgyzstan
Mr. Musaev Nargiz Kubanychbekovich from the Kyrgyzstan

Collaboration Between AFoCO and BDNA

The Baekdudaegan National Arboretum (BDNA), a key partner of AFoCO, is a leading forest conservation institution in Korea and a hub for biodiversity conservation and seed preservation techniques. Notably, the Baekdudaegan Global Seed Vault, located within the arboretum, is a critical facility designed to protect the genetic diversity of plants worldwide. Through the STEP program, AFoCO member countries can deposit seeds of rare and endangered plant species, taking a significant step towards the long-term conservation and restoration of plant resources.

Seed Vitality Testing Using Computer Imaging Sensors
Practical Training in Plant Specimen Collection and Preservation

Future Outlook and Expected Impact

The Four Participants of the 2024 STEP Program (from the left: Mr. Assylbekov Bakytbek Satarovich, Mr. Razhanov Medeu Razhanovich, Mr. Ashirbekov Jenishbek Abzhalbekovich, and Mr. Musaev Nargiz Kubanychbekovich)

The 2024 STEP program is set to strengthen the skills and strategies of participating countries for forest resource protection. Through this initiative, AFoCO aims to enhance technical exchange and cooperation among its member countries, reinforcing global forest conservation efforts. Upon completing the program, participants are expected to gain the capability to effectively improve forest conservation policies and strategies in their respective countries. The 2024 STEP program is anticipated to become a model for international cooperation in forest conservation, offering ongoing benefits to more member countries through future expansions.

Submitted by Kiwon Kim, Assistant Program Officer, Capacity-Building and Evaluation Team

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