Forging new partnerships

AFoCO joins hands with new strategic partners at the XV World Forestry Congress.

May 2-6, 2022 — On the occasion of the XV WFC, AFoCO took the opportunity to ink partnership arrangements with domestic and international partners including the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Korea Forestry Promotion Institute (KoFPI), Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), World Food Programma – Kyrgyz Republic. AFoCO representatives also had the honor to meet Rt Hon Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park, UK Minister of the Pacific and the Environment, to discuss future opportunities for collaboration.

International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
As intergovernmental organizations in the Asian region, AFoCO and ITTO share distinct priorities and areas of interest in pursuing sustainable forest management and have been long-time partners. Most recently, AFoCO collaborated with the ITTO in October 2021 to conduct the ‘AFoCO-ITTO Capacity Building Workshop on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in the Asia-Pacific Region’ to enhance capacities to undertake successful restoration initiatives using the new ITTO Guidelines for FLR in the Tropics. The workshop’s training reports and policy brief are publicly accessible in our Publications section. ITTO has also been involved in several capacity-building initiatives in collaboration with the AFoCO RETC. The renewed partnership arrangement will see AFoCO and ITTO working together to identify potential actions to achieve the common goals through joint projects, development and implement joint projects in line with the policies and strategies of both organizations, and promote capacity building, information exchange, and experience sharing in member countries as well as among relevant stakeholders. Read more HERE.

Korea Forestry Promotion Institute (KoFPI)
The AFoCO-KoFPI partnership will see the organizations work together on public-private partnerships to contribute to climate change and carbon neutrality goals and share information and resources to promote the distribution of forestry machinery and equipment to AFoCO member countries. As a semi-government agency established to support the industrialization and commercialization of forest science technologies, raise the incomes of forest professionals and create value-added forest and forestry services, KoFPI will play a key role in the dissemination of forestry technologies to AFoCO member countries.

Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
AFoCO and KOICA will collaborate to manage forest disasters through ICT, enhance the carbon sequestration potential of forests, restore forest ecosystems, and improve livelihoods by fostering community-based enterprises. The two organizations will achieve these objectives by developing a regional strategy and approach for forestry cooperation, planning joint programs and capacity-building activities, and enhancing capacities to assess climate change-related funds. Read more HERE.

World Food Programme (WFP) – Kyrgyz Republic
AFoCO will be working with the WFP to develop joint initiatives, projects, and activities in order to promote joint action and implement interventions contributing to enhancing food security and nutrition, and disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation, increasing forest cover, enhancing livelihoods, and promoting sustainable forest management in the Kyrgyz Republic. Together, both organizations will jointly identify food security and livelihood strategies as a basis in work planning and resources programming, pursue joint project development and implementation, and support vulnerable local communities in enhancing their livelihoods through community-based interventions.

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