International Workshop on Achievements & the Way Forward of AFoCO

On 23 April, the International Workshop on Achievements and the Way Forward was held to share past experiences and achievements of AFoCO and the way forward. The Workshop was attended by some 90 participants including speakers and representatives from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), and Embassies of the AFoCO members as well as the relevant ministries in Korea.

The Workshop shared on the specific projects and activities done under AFoCO and its initial phase. In addition to the overall summary of activities, specific achievements particularly on the forest genetic resources and forest rehabilitation, mangrove rehabilitation, and community-based forest management in the member countries were shared.

The Workshop output constructive recommendations on:

a. exploring regional actions and approaches
b. converging different actors in forestry within each country;
c. learning from experiences, multiplying best practices, and using available resources;  
d. developing measurable outputs and outcome;
e. overcoming challenges of procedural matters;
f. keeping up with changing environment, needs, and technology.

MODERATOR (far left) – Mr. Chencho Norbu (AFoCO)
PANELISTS (L to R) – Mr. Luis Miguel Aparicio (GGGI); Mr. Juan Chang (GCF);
Prof. Lee Yohan (Yeungnam Univ.); Mr. Htain Lin (Mangrove Service Network, Myanmar)


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