Cambodia holds National Validation and Extension Workshop for AFoCO/012/2019

August 4-5, 2022 — The Forestry Administration of Cambodia, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, organized the ‘National Validation and Extension Workshop on the Guidelines for the Preparation of Community Forest Management and Development Plans and Private Forest Registration in Cambodia’ for the project Registration of Small-scale Private Forest Plantations in Cambodia (AFoCO/012/2019) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Supported by the AFoCO, the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) Partnership for Forestry and Fisheries Communities in Cambodia (PaFF), the workshop welcomed 151 participants from various institutions and relevant stakeholders including the Forestry Administration of Cambodia, Community Forestry Management Committees, Korea-Mekong Forestry Cooperation Center, Agency for Development of Switzerland (SDC), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Royal University of Agriculture, and Prekleap National Agricultural Institute.

The validation and extension workshop aimed to:

  • Share experiences of implementing community forestry development projects in Cambodia, especially regarding successes and challenges;
  • Present draft updated guidelines on community forest management and development plans to stakeholders;
  • Provide opportunities for stakeholders to exchange views, experiences, and discussions related to guidelines on community forest management and development plans; and
  • Collect inputs, comments, and recommendations from stakeholders to improve the guidelines on community forest management and development plans.

The workshop provided an avenue for national and sub-national forestry administration officials, NGOs, educational institutions, international donors, development agencies, and community forestry management stakeholders to share experiences on community forestry in Cambodia. The group discussions saw participants exchanging views and sharing constructive approaches, which were further consolidated to update the Guidelines on the Preparation of Community Forest Management and Development Plans.

The extension of guidelines on private forest registration provides recognizable benefits and incentives that every participant at the workshop should associate with the registration of forest plantations, especially the exemptions associated with export taxes, harvesting, and transportation. The workshop participants were encouraged to promote registration and increase awareness of how private forest plantations can potentially assume an even more significant role in supplying wood in domestic and international markets while reducing pressures on natural forests.

The full workshop report is available here: Report_National_Validation_Extension_Workshop

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