Strategic planning for a sustainable future: Insights from AFoCO Strategic Action Plan Workshop discussions

The opening remarks by the Executive Director highlighted the critical importance of having a strategic action plan to guide AFoCO’s future steps. The workshop then focused on reviewing the AFoCO Action Plan with input from Professor Hong EP, who emphasized the need to define targets, plans, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for AFoCO that align with its member countries and other organizations to address future challenges effectively.

The workshop primarily centered on discussing the AFoCO Strategic Plan, delving into three priorities: Forest Land Restoration and Conservation, Community and Circular Bio-Economy, and Climate-Forest Disaster Risk Management.

Figure 2. The AFoCO Secretariat explains AFoCO’s KPI Action Plan. The Strategic Action Plan comprises three program priority areas.

In the PPA 1. Forest Land Restoration and Conservation discussions, it was evident that each AFoCO member country is highly dedicated to preserving and protecting their existing forested areas while working towards increasing forest coverage in the future. For example, Kazakhstan’s government aims to raise its forest cover area by 5.3% (14.3 million hectares) by 2030 through reforestation and afforestation efforts.

Figure 3. Mr. Ricardo L Calderon, Former Executive Director of AFoCO gives input to AFoCO Secretariat about AFoCO Strategic Action Plan.

During the PPA 2. Community and Circular Bio-Economy discussions, participants delved into AFoCO’s Program Priority Areas, including the categorization and classification of green villages. They also explored how green villages can morph into resilient villages capable of withstanding various challenges.

In the PPA 3. Climate-Forest Disaster Risk Management discussions, participants highlighted the varying capacities of countries to develop early warning systems. It was emphasized that support from all AFoCO member countries is crucial in assisting those who lack the resources to set up their own early warning systems for effective disaster management in forest areas.

Submitted by Mr. Rifki M A El Halim, Fellowship Official, Strategic Planning Team

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