‘Let’s Forest 2023, Seoul’ at Seonyudo Park opens: Forest Fire-Damaged Wood Exhibition

Seoul, Republic of Korea — Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO), in partnership with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and Korea Forest Service, is set to host “Let’s Forest 2023, Seoul.” This multifaceted event will run from September 1 to 24, 2023 at Seonyudo Park, and will feature a range of programs including an exhibition using fire-damaged wood, performances, participatory programs such as woodworking experiences and insightful lectures on climate change and forestry.

Seonyudo Park symbolizes Seoul’s commitment to environmental sustainability. As the city’s first recycling eco-park opened on April 26, 2002, it has transformed the former Seonyu Water Purification Plant facilities into a leisure space for citizens. The park offers various amenities such as an aquatic botanical garden and environmental playground.

Let’s Forest 2023 Seoul” aims to raise public awareness about the severity of forest fires while fostering consensus among citizens about resource recycling. Additionally, this event underscores the importance of forests as nature-based solutions amidst escalating climate change crises.

The opening ceremony on September 1 promises a variety of performances utilizing fire-damaged wood alongside live painting events. The day also marks the commencement of <Ash to Art: Reinterpretation of Fire-Damaged Wood>, an exhibition held at Seonyudo Park’s Story Hall from September 1-24. Open daily from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, this free exhibition showcases diverse artistic reinterpretations of fire-damaged wood through objects d’art installations and media videos among others.

In preparation for this exhibition, AFoCO and an artist group of Ittaspace led by Mr. Jeong Chang-i visited areas affected by the 2022 East Coast wildfires and this year’s Hongseong wildfires to capture harrowing images that depict wildfire devastation which will be displayed in video exhibits providing visitors with a stark visual understanding about wildfire impacts. In efforts towards preventing further damage caused by heavy rains in already devastated areas due to wildfires; fire-damaged wood being urgently logged has been repurposed as materials for this exhibition.

Notably for “Let’s Forest 2023, Seoul”, AFoCO along with Seoul City Government & Korea Forestry Service have invited multiple organizations like Korean Society of Forest Science, Korea Forestry Promotion Institute, Korean Forestry Welfare Promotion Institute, Korea Association of Forest Enviro-conservation Technology, Korea Association of Wood Culture. These organizations are actively participating in conducting lectures themed around climate change & forest protection thereby enhancing visitor experience through sharing knowledge related thereto along with facilitating citizen participation programs like woodworking experiences & park explanations etc.

Alongside permanent exhibitions are various side events planned including orchestra performances; fashion shows; live paintings; forest busking(music performances); Korean reforestation photo exhibitions; lectures on climate change & environmental issues; seminars on artists’ inspirations; woodworking experiences; park explanations & natural object crafting experiences etc., enriching visitor experience manifoldly during “Let’s Forest 2023, Seoul”.

Furthermore adding onto enriching visitor experience are additional cultural activities that include fashion shows presenting items made from fire-damaged wood; performance using instruments made from fire-damaged wood & orchestra concerts; live painting sessions & busking concerts facilitated by Ko-One Philharmonic Orchestra, Elite Model Agency, and Busking Group(Redrow and Jowon) respectively.

Registrations for programs related to fire-damaged wood can be made via ‘Naver Reservation‘ (https://m.booking.naver.com/booking/12/bizes/973961).

Reservations for other programs such as park commentaries & craft activities can be made via the ‘Seoul Public Service Reservation’ website (www.yeyak.seoul.go.kr/web/main.do).

All programs also accept onsite applications by walk-in visitors.

For inquiries regarding “Let’s Forest 2023, Seoul”, kindly contact AFoCO at +82-2-785-8971 or West Park Leisure Center’s Park Leisure Department at +82-2-300-5579. Detailed schedules & content can be found on AFoCO’s event website (www.afocosec.org/event/letsforest2023seoul).

Contributed by Ms. YoungJu HAN, Project Management Coordinator

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