Empowering Climate Action: AFoCO and Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry host workshop on Forest Carbon Assessment and Climate Action Matching Platform

July 11-13, 2023, Jakarta and Sepong — Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) joined hands with the Indonesia Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) to organize “An Intensive Discussion for MRV in Forest Carbon Assessment” workshop. The event took place in Serpong and Jakarta, marking a significant milestone in the effort to combat climate change and achieve sustainable development goals in the Asia.

Handover of Appreciation Plaque Ceremony from AFoCO (represented by Ms. Ryang Soozin, Program Officer) to MoEF of Indonesia (represented by Mr. Ary Sudjianto, Director General of Agency for Standardization of Environmental and Forestry Instruments)

The workshop, which followed the 2023 AFoCO – ITTO Joint Capacity Building Workshop on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in the Asia-Pacific Region, aimed to focus on Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) in Forest Carbon Assessment. The virtual workshop held on July 4-6, 2023, laid the groundwork for the subsequent face-to-face event, fostering collaborative discussions on pressing challenges and opportunities in implementing MRV systems for FLR/REDD+ activities. Gathering fifteen nominated participants, the workshop provided a platform for experts and professionals to delve deep into the intricacies of MRV systems for FLR/REDD+ activities. Participants also explored effective strategies to align FLR/REDD+ efforts with sustainable development goals within their respective countries.

One of the key highlights of the workshop was the invaluable insights shared by Mr. Budiharto, the deputy director of GHG Inventory, who enlightened attendees about Indonesia’s MRV system. Mr. Budiharto showcased various examples of Indonesia’s REDD+ activities and provided an update on the current status of the country’s REDD+ initiatives.

The Indonesian government’s commitment to comprehensive data collection was evident through their use of satellite land monitoring systems and the National Forest Inventory to assess forest carbon stocks and changes. Participants were further impressed by the innovative web-based application, known as the Sistem Inventarisasi GRK Nasional Sederhana, Mudah, Akurat, Ringkas, Transparan (SIGN SMART), designed to support the national GHG Inventory System (Link: https://signsmart.menlhk.go.id/v2.1/app/).

Lecture on Forestry Carbon Measurement for mangrove forests by Dr. Anna Tosiani, National Forest Resource Data Analyst of the Directorate of Inventory and Monitoring of Forest Resources

To deepen their understanding of on-the-ground practices, participants had the opportunity to visit the Muara Angke Mangrove Park. Dr. Anna Tosiani led the group in practical demonstrations on how to measure forest carbon stock in mangrove forests, underscoring the importance of accurate data for informed decision-making.

On the concluding day of the workshop, Dr. Donghwan Kim, representing the AFoCO secretariat, introduced the Climate Action Matching Platform (CAMP). This platform, currently under development as part of the AFoCO Strategic Plan 2024-2030 and Climate Action Plan, aims to revolutionize collaborative efforts in combating climate change. Dr. Kim and all participants engaged in productive discussions on the feasibility of CAMP and explored potential institutional arrangements for effective MRV implementation in their respective countries.

The “An Intensive Discussion for MRV in Forest Carbon Assessment” workshop served as a catalyst for stronger regional cooperation and knowledge exchange. As the workshop concluded, participants left with a determination to integrate climate action into their national policies and contribute towards a greener and more sustainable future for the Asia region and beyond.

Group photo taken at Closing Ceremony

Contributed by Ike Mediawati, 2023 Fellowship Official from Indonesia

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