Goal & Objectives
The project aims to support the vertical integration in Community Based Forest Management areas through the promotion of community-based livelihood opportunities through the utilization of existing plantations. It is designed to address the lack of value-adding and unsustainable timber production in Community Based Forest Management areas. Further, it will promote the sustainability of tree plantations managed by People’s Organizations (POs) to generate income from timber utilization and wood processing. The specific objectives are outlined as follows:
- To promote the engagement of two participating CBFM POs into value-adding activities in wood production;
- To provide adequate market linkages for the two participating CBFM POs in the operation of their wood-based enterprise; and
- To formulate and recommend enabling policy guidelines for the implementation of vertical integration as a business model for CBFM POs.
Expected Outputs
The project has five expected outputs:
- Enhanced technical skill of participating CBFM POs for both men and women in value-adding activities in wood production;
- Access of participating CBFM POs to machinery and equipment for value-adding activities;
- Participating CBFM POs have enough internal fund and are able to access external funding support to invest in value-adding activities to wood production;
- Improved access of participating CBFM POs to reliable market information on wood-based products; and
- Vertical integration as a business model in CBFM POs is promoted through the documentation of best practices and translation into policies.