Goals & Objectives of the Project
- To restore degraded areas in Rajang Mangrove National Park in line with the state government policy
- To improve the rural livelihoods of the local communities (rural transformation program)
- To contribute to Malaysia’s global aims of climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration
Main Activities
- Preliminary survey of the project site including biodiversity, soil, and surrounding environment
- Consultation meeting with local stakeholders and communities
- Construction of temporary nursery for mangrove planting
- Site preparation, seedlings propagation
- Planting 2ha of mangroves with the participation of local communities
Expected Outputs
- 2ha of mangrove forests restored in Rajang Mangrove National Park (RMNP)
- Capacity enhanced and awareness raised for local communities on the conservation and maintenance of mangrove forests
- Contribution to Malaysia’s global aims of cilmate change mitigation through carbon sequestration achieved