
AFoCO Climate Action Plan

The AFoCO Climate Action Plan is a program under the AFoCO Strategic Plan (2024–2030). The Climate Action Plan puts major effort into assisting Member Countries enhance their contributions to achieving the Paris Agreement’s goals and accelerate efforts to remove large

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AFoCO Annual Technical Workshop 2023

AFoCO has been organizing the Annual Technical Workshop (ATW) for Project Management and Performance Review since 2020. The workshop’s purpose is to revisit the current year’s achievements, and progress while reflecting and sharing the overall experience of projects including the

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AFoCO REDD+ Fact Sheets

The AFoCO REDD+ Fact sheet series aims to provide data and information on the forest-based climate actions of AFoCO’s member countries. Each fact sheet provides an overview of the country’s forest area, forest-based mitigation and adaptation targets in the NDCs,

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(Training Report) AFoCO-ITTO Capacity Building Workshop on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in the Asia-Pacific Region – Accessing Climate Finance and Carbon Benefits for FLR

Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) and International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) have been jointly organizing capacity-building workshops on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in collaboration with partner organizations since 2021. The workshops are targeted at government officials and forestry experts from

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The Annual Report 2022 highlights events, projects, and activities carried out in 2022 carried out in partnership with our member countries and partner institutions. The report also recaps the organization’s progress to date and provides updates on project activities.

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AFoCO Overview 2023

This leaflet provides an overview of AFoCO’s portfolio and the extent of operations in Member Countries. It also features the achievements of its capacity-building initiatives such as the establishment of the AFoCO RETC.

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