

The Annual Report 2023 highlights events, projects, and activities carried out in 2023 carried out in partnership with our member countries and partner institutions. The report also recaps the organization’s progress to date and provides updates on project activities.

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AFoCO Strategic Plan 2024-2030

Under the Strategic Plan (2024–2030). AFoCO will address the climate crisis and associated challenges of forest loss, poverty and governance through two Strategic Thrusts — Sustainable management of forests to secure environmental, social and economic benefits; and Contributions to the 1.5 °C Paris

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(Project Brief) AFoCO/037/2023

The project brief provides an overview of the AFoCO/037/2023 on “Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Adaptation to Climate Change and Forest Fire Management in the Mekong Region.”

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(Project Brief) AFoCO/035/2022

The project brief provides an overview of the AFoCO/035/2022 on “Improved Local Community Livelihoods through Increased Income from Non-timber Forest Products (NTFP): Modelling scalable community-based enterprises in Asia.”

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