2021 celebration of the International Day of Forests

On 19 March, AFoCO shared its works at the 2021 celebration of the International Day of Forests hosted by the United Nations under the global theme of “Forest restoration: a path to recovery and well-being.”



The excerpt of the video highlights the opening statement by the moderator of the opening session, Mr. Alexander Trepelkov, Officer-in-Charge, UN Forum on Forests Secretariat, and the statement by the AFoCO Secretariat during the general discussion segment “restoring forests restores the health of people and planet.”

Full video is available at 

About International Day of Forests
The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to declare 21 March of each year to be observed as the International Day of Forests.
The resolution encourages all Member States to organize activities related to all types of forests and trees outside forests, such as tree planting campaigns, at the time most appropriate to each State. It further requests the Secretariat of the United Nations Forum on Forests, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to facilitate the implementation of the International Day of Forests, in collaboration with Governments, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests and international, regional and subregional organizations and processes as well as relevant major groups. 

#AFOCO #IntlForestDay #SDGs #ForNature #Land4Life

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