The 3rd Session of the Assembly

Assembly Members of the AFoCO

The 3rd Session of the Assembly was held on 28-29 October 2019 at Lotte Hotel Seoul in the Republic of Korea. All 14 Parties and Observers attended this Session. The 3rd session of the welcomed and congratulated Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Lao PDR, and Thailand on joining AFoCO as Parties.

The Plan of Action for the Strategic Plan (2019-2020) was further elaborated, complementing the approved Strategic Plan by elaborating expected outcomes and outputs for each priority area. It also illustrates the implementation framework that summarizes how concrete actions taken by AFoCO at the country and regional level contribute towards achieving the objectives of the Strategic Plan.  

During this session, the Assembly also appreciated the confirmation on the funding of 3.7 million USD for 6 projects which will be implemented in 2020. In addition to the projects with confirmed funding, the Assembly also welcomed and approved new projects proposed by Indonesia and Viet Nam.
The Assembly noted the efforts to strengthen networks in the region and further looked forward to cooperating with other international organizations, expanding joint activities, diversifying sources of funding, and developing joint policy and guideline documents, among others.

The session also provided an opportunity to consider the recommendations that transpired from the Institutional Review of AFoCO and the Secretariat, which was endorsed by the Advisory Roundtable. The Secretariat will proceed to identify and prepare the action plan for the strategic implementation of the recommendations.


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