Forest enrichment model built in Hoa Binh province, Viet Nam

This article presents the implemented activities from the research project, “Research on Forest Enrichment using High Valuable Native Species in Hoa Binh Province, Viet Nam (AFoCO/022/2021)” in Hoa Binh Province, Viet Nam. This two-year project is implemented under a collaboration between AFoCO, the National Institute

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Discussion workshop on FLR and REDD+ held in Cambodia

Following the capacity-building workshop jointly organized by AFoCO and ITTO on “Forest Landscape Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region: Accessing Climate Change Finance and Carbon Benefits for FLR,” AFoCO RETC facilitated a post-workshop session titled “An Intensive Discussion for FLR and REDD+” at Forest and Wildlife

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AFoCO & ITTO organize workshop on “Forest Landscape Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region: Accessing Climate Change Finance and Carbon Benefits for FLR”

Recognizing the importance of creating healthy ecosystems, the global community has been working together to engage in ecosystem restoration. AFoCO and International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) have been co-organizing online capacity-building workshops focussing on “Forest Landscape Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region” since the first year

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AFoCO project supports Indonesia’s FOLU Net Sink 2030 goals

September 1, 2022, Riau Province, Indonesia — As part of the AFoCO-Indonesia project on ‘Innovative Solutions for Climate Change and Biodiversity Landscape Strategy to Support SDGs in Indonesia (AFoCO/023/2021)‘, a three-day training targeted at GIS field practitioners operator was held in Pekanbaru City, Riau Province.

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Forest enrichment model built in Hoa Binh province, Viet Nam

This article presents the implemented activities from the research project, “Research on Forest Enrichment using High Valuable Native Species in Hoa Binh Province, Viet Nam (AFoCO/022/2021)” in Hoa Binh Province, Viet Nam. This two-year project is implemented under a collaboration between AFoCO, the National Institute

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Discussion workshop on FLR and REDD+ held in Cambodia

Following the capacity-building workshop jointly organized by AFoCO and ITTO on “Forest Landscape Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region: Accessing Climate Change Finance and Carbon Benefits for FLR,” AFoCO RETC facilitated a post-workshop session titled “An Intensive Discussion for FLR and REDD+” at Forest and Wildlife

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AFoCO & ITTO organize workshop on “Forest Landscape Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region: Accessing Climate Change Finance and Carbon Benefits for FLR”

Recognizing the importance of creating healthy ecosystems, the global community has been working together to engage in ecosystem restoration. AFoCO and International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) have been co-organizing online capacity-building workshops focussing on “Forest Landscape Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region” since the first year

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AFoCO project supports Indonesia’s FOLU Net Sink 2030 goals

September 1, 2022, Riau Province, Indonesia — As part of the AFoCO-Indonesia project on ‘Innovative Solutions for Climate Change and Biodiversity Landscape Strategy to Support SDGs in Indonesia (AFoCO/023/2021)‘, a three-day training targeted at GIS field practitioners operator was held in Pekanbaru City, Riau Province.

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