The Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) are working together to develop a project for Green Climate Fund (GCF) funding. The project “Enhancing climate resilience through sustainable watershed management and agroforestry practices in Timor-Leste (indicative)” intends to restore and rehabilitate forests to protect watershed and reduce natural disasters and increase coffee quality and incomes through ecosystem restoration, infrastructure development, agronomy training as well as fair trade and innovative financing. The proposed interventions will directly contribute to achieving the national priorities of Timor-Leste, including the 1st NDC and National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) of Timor-Leste, NDC targets, National Climate Change Policy, National Forest Sector Policy, National Coffee Sector Development Plan and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Strategic Plan. AFoCO is advertising a consultancy to identify a Consultant to develop a GCF concept note for the aforementioned project in Timor-Leste
A detailed description of the services and/or goods to be provided can be found in Attachment 1.
AFoCO Contact: [email protected] |
3.1. This timetable is indicative and may be changed by AFoCO at any time. If AFoCO decides that changes to any of the deadlines are necessary, we will publish this on our website and contact you directly if you have indicated your interest in this procurement
2 November 2023 | Publication of the Request for Proposals |
14 November 2023, 23:59 PM (GMT+9, Korea Standard Time) | Deadline for submission of proposals to AFoCO (“Submission Deadline”) |
17 November 2023 | Clarification of proposals |
20 November 2023 | Planned date for contract award |
21 November 2023 | Expected contract start date |
3.2. Please email the AFoCO contact to express your interest in submitting a proposal by the deadline stated above. This will help AFoCO to keep you updated regarding the procurement.