Summary Record
The Fourth Session of the Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) was held virtually from 25 to 26 November 2020. The Assembly was attended by 12 Parties, 1 Observer, and the AFoCO Secretariat. The session was presided by Mr. Raimundo Mau (Timor-Leste), the President of the Assembly, as per Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly.
The Assembly adopted seven decisions as listed in document A-IV-20R-SR.
D-34-IV-20R Policy Relevance of AFoCO’s Operation
D-34-IV-20R Policy Relevance of AFoCO's OperationThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Recalling Article 3 of the Agreement on the Establishment of the AFoCO regarding the objectives of the organization;
Taking note of the recommendations provided from the External Institutional Review of AFoCO in 2019 and the action plan endorsed by the Assembly to guide the implementation of those recommendations; and
Further taking note of the importance of building policy relevance of future projects of AFoCO to mobilize ultimate and long-lasting impacts to national development and building up interest in the member countries for AFoCO;
Decides to
- Approve the plan for enhancing policy relevance of the AFoCO’s operation as contained in D-34-1 and mandate the Secretariat to establish and manage the ‘Communication Platform for Policy Updates and Development’;
- Task the Secretariat to start the process in constructing ‘AFoCO Forest Policy Archive’ and developing ‘Country Profile and Context’ documents in close consultation with the Parties; and
- Task the Secretariat to prepare the Annual Thematic Dialogue starting from 2021.
D-35-IV-20R Approval of New Projects
D-35-IV-20R Approval of ProjectsThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Having considered the appraisal and recommendations of the respective Project Appraisal Panel (PAP) and the endorsement of the Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) to facilitate fund mobilization process; and
Taking note of the summary of project proposal as contained in document D-35-1,
Decides to:
- Approve the project proposals, subject to the final notification that the funding has been secured by the donor, as below:
- Lao PDR (PP-2020-LA-011)
Integrated village-driven forest rehabilitation and livelihood improvement in Viengthong district, Bolikhamxay province, Lao PDR - Timor-Leste (PP-2020-TL-013)
Re-greening the bare lands in Timor-Leste through promotion of locally customized restoration models
- Lao PDR (PP-2020-LA-011)
- Task the Secretariat to facilitate the necessary follow-up actions for project inception in due course.
- Approve the project proposals, subject to the final notification that the funding has been secured by the donor, as below:
D-36-IV-20R Amendment of Staff Regulations
D-36-IV-20R Amendment of Staff RegulationsD-36-1 Staff Regulations of AFoCOThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Recalling the Staff Regulations adopted at the First Session of the Assembly;
Further Recalling Decision 19-II-19S regarding the amendment of the Staff Regulations at the Second Session of the Assembly; and
Noting on the need to clarify the scope and conditions to which the specific regulations shall be applied;
Decides to amend the Staff Regulations as contained in D-36-1 to be effective on 26 November 2020.
D-37-IV-20R Amendment of Financial Regulations
D-37-IV-20R Amendment of Financial RegulationsD-37-1 Financial Regulations of AFoCOThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Recalling Decision 7-I-18R on the adoption of the Financial Regulations at the First Session of the
Assembly; andNoting on the need to further clarify relevant regulations for efficiency in the management of the
funds;Decides to amend the Financial Regulations as contained in D-37-1 to be effective on 26 November
2020. -
D-38-IV-20R Appointment of the Executive Director
D-38-IV-20R Appointment of the Executive DirectorThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Pursuant to Article 8 Paragraph 6(b) of the Agreement on the Establishment of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (Agreement);
Acknowledging the intensive works of the Committee to develop and conduct the procedures for announcement, deliberation, and selection of the Executive Director;
Noting with appreciation the applications for the position of the Executive Director;
Taking note of the recommendation of the Committee;
Decides to
- Appoint Mr. Ricardo L. Calderon as the Executive Director for a period of 2 years, beginningon 1 January 2021 in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Agreement;
- Task the Secretariat to take follow-up actions on arrangements of the appointment including appointment letter from the President of the Assembly and other legal arrangements as required;
- Task the Committee to conclude its activities; and
- Extend, notwithstanding the conclusion of Committee’s current activity, the validity of the Committee for further consideration.
- Assembly - Document
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- Assembly - Document
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- Assembly - Document
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- Assembly - Document
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- Assembly - Summary Record
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- Assembly - Document
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