Summary Record
The Third Session of the Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) was held from 28 to 29 October 2019 in Seoul, the Republic of Korea. The Assembly was attended by 12 Parties, 2 Observers, and the AFoCO Secretariat. The Session was presided over by Dr. Pham Van Dien (Viet Nam), the President of the Assembly, as per Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly.
The Assembly adopted twelve decisions as listed in document A-III-19R-SR.
D-22-III-19R Strategic Plan (2019-2023) and the Revised Plan of Actions
D-22-III-19R Strategic Plan (2019-2023) and the Revised Plan of ActionsThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Recalling that the Assembly has approved the Strategic Plan (2019-2023) by Decision 5-I-18R and has further tasked the Secretariat to elaborate the plan of action and report the progress and output to the Assembly;
Taking note on inputs and comments provided from the Parties and Observers through the Technical Meeting on Strategic Implementation of the Agreement held on 2-4 July 2019; and
Recognizing the value of guidance provided by the 3rd Session of the Assembly held on 28-29 October 2019,
Decides to adopt the revised Plan of Actions (2019-2023) and endorse it as an integral part of the Strategic Plan (2019-2023) as contained in document D-22-1.
D-23-III-19R Approval of Projects
D-23-III-19R Approval of ProjectsThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Having considered the appraisal and recommendations of the respective Project Appraisal Panel reports; and
Taking note of the summary of project proposal as contained in document D-23-1,
- Approves the project proposals as below:
- Indonesia (PP-2019-ID-009)
Innovative solution for capacity building on managing tropical forest and conservation biodiversity to support SDGs - Viet Nam (PP-2019-VN-010)
Conservation and development of forest ecosystems biodiversity resources at Cat Tien National Park
- Indonesia (PP-2019-ID-009)
- Tasks the Secretariat to facilitate the necessary follow-up actions for its inception accordingly.
- Approves the project proposals as below:
D-24-III-19R Policy on Ethics and Conflicts of Interest for the Executive Director of the AFoCO Secretariat
D-24-III-19R Policy on Ethics and Conflicts of Interest for the ED of the AFoCO SecretariatThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Recognizing the principles and ethical standards in connection with, or having a bearing upon, her/his status and the discharge of her/his responsibilities as the Executive Director of the AFoCO Secretariat; and
Ensuring that the Executive Director is entrusted with responsibilities as prescribed in the Agreement and relevant regulations and policies of the organization,
Decides to:
- Adopt the Policy on Ethics and Conflicts of Interest for the Executive Director of the AFoCO Secretariat in document D-24-1, and
- Task the Secretariat to facilitate the necessary follow-up actions, including:
(a) Establishment of Ethics and Audit Committee; and
(b) Amendment/update of related institutional documents such as the Staff Regulations.
D-25-III-19R Policy on Ethics and Conflicts of Interest for the Assembly of AFoCO
D-25-III-19R Policy on Ethics and Conflicts of Interest for the Assembly of AFoCOThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Recognizing principles and ethical standards for the Members of the Assembly of AFoCO in connection with, or having a bearing upon, their status and responsibilities in the organization; and
Ensuring that the Representatives when performing their Assembly duties are entrusted with the responsibilities prescribed in, or pursuant to, the Agreement on the Establishment of AFoCO,
Decides to:
- Adopt the Policy on Ethics and Conflicts of Interest for the Assembly of AFoCO as in the document D-25-1; and
- Task the Secretariat to facilitate the necessary follow-up actions, including the amendment/update of related institutional documents such as the rules of procedures of the Assembly.
D-26-III-19R Policy on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism
D-26-III-19R Policy on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of TerrorismThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Recognizing AFoCO’s commitment to respect principles of transparency and anti-corruption and its continuous support towards the promotion of social justice in its Parties and Observers; and
Ensuring measures to mitigate money laundering and the financing of terrorism which commensurate with the risks identified, enabling decisions on how to allocate its resources in the most effective way,
Decides to:
- Adopt the Policy on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism in document D-26-1; and
- Task the Secretariat to facilitate the necessary follow-up actions, including amendment /update of related institutional documents such as Staff Regulation and Financial Regulations.
D-27-III-19R Policy on Information Disclosure
D-27-III-19R Policy on Information DisclosureThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Recognizing the importance of public access to AFoCO-related information, in order to facilitate transparency and accountability, and enhance trust in the organization’s activities of strengthening regional forest cooperation,
Decides to:
- Adopt the Policy on Information Disclosure in D-27-1; and
- Task the Secretariat to facilitate the necessary follow-up actions, including amendment/update of related institutional documents.
D-28-III-19R Environmental and Social Safeguard Policy
D-28-III-19R Environmental and Social Safeguard PolicyThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO), in order to provide principles and guidelines to assess the environmental and social risks and likely impacts during the preparation and implementation of programs, projects, and activities carried out by AFoCO,
Decides to:
- Adopt the Environmental and Social Safeguard Policy in the document D-28-1; and
- Task the Secretariat to facilitate the necessary follow-up actions, including:
(a) Establishment of the Technical Committee for Environmental and Social Safeguard at the Secretariat;
(b) Development of the Environmental and Social Safeguards guidelines; and
(c) Amendment/update of related institutional documents such as project manuals and guidelines.
D-29-III-19R Gender Policy
D-29-III-19R Gender PolicyThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Mindful of the principles of equality and equity between men and women, and support for the promotion of social justice, equal opportunities, diversity, and equity in all of its programs and projects in all member countries; and
Enhancing the effective integration and gender mainstreaming considerations in all aspects of AFoCO’s policies, projects, trainings, workshops, and other activities,
Decides to:
- Adopt the Gender Policy in document D-29-1; and
- Task the Secretariat to facilitate the necessary follow-up actions, including amendment/update of related institutional documents.
D-30-III-19R Project Appraisal Committee
D-30-III-19R Project Appraisal CommitteeThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Recalling Decision 7-I-18R on the internal regulations of AFoCO;
Taking note of Decision 17-II-19S, which authorized the Secretariat to develop and finalize, to make amendment to new or existing guidelines and manuals, in consultation with the Parties, and officially inform and announce on respective effective date of such guidelines and manuals; and
Further taking note on the Assembly’s recommendations to provide sufficient flexibilities in meeting various requirements by the different donors and shorten the time period between the approval and launching of the projects,
Decides to:
- Authorize the Project Appraisal Committee, in consideration of the project appraisal results, to endorse the project to proceed with the funding process; and
- Task the Secretariat to make necessary arrangements with the Project Appraisal Committee accordingly to solicit relevant funds for the projects.
D-31-III-19R Arrangements on the Executive Director
D-31-III-19R Arrangements on the Executive DirectorThe Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Recalling Decision 4-I-18R on the appointment of the Executive Director; and
Recognizing that the “Executive Director Selection Committee” may resume its activities upon recommendation and decision of the Assembly,
Decides to:
- Endorse the Executive Director Selection Committee to resume its works with the inclusion of new Parties as members of the Committee;
- Task the Committee to identify and undertake the process needed for the extension of the term of the incumbent Executive Director or selection of a succeeding Executive Director; and
- Task the Committee to report the recommendations to the Assembly for consideration and decision.
D-32-III-19R Budget Reallocation for Operational Expenditures in FY2019
The Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Having heard the detailed explanation from the Secretariat regarding the rental deposit for the official residence of new incumbent for the post of the Director of the Project and Cooperation Division,
Approves the reallocation of the 2019 budget as below:
Budgetary Heading Approved Budget For 2019 (A)
Proposed Budget Reallocation (B) Difference (B-A)
Rate of Change (% to the Original Budget)
A.1 Salaries and Benefits 2,235,754 1,781,208 -454,545 -20 A.4 General Operating
Expenses1,298,718 1,753,263 454,545 35 -
D-33-III-19R Work Plan and Budget for 2020
The Assembly of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO),
Recalling Article 3 of the Agreement on the Establishment of AFoCO;
In accordance with Article 8 paragraph 6 of the Agreement on the Establishment of AFoCO; and
Pursuant to Regulation 2.2 paragraph 3 of the Financial Regulations of AFoCO,
Decides to:
- Approve the Work Plan and Budget for 2020, contained in document D-33-1;
- Task the Secretariat to consult the member countries regarding the themes of the capacity building programs;
- Authorize the Secretariat to facilitate acquisition of the donated second-hand forest fire vehicles and provision of the vehicles to some member countries as requested; and
- Authorizes the Secretariat to mobilize additional funds from outside or re-appropriate from existing surplus for hosting of the 4th session of the Assembly, if required.
- Assembly - Document
- 03/12/2019
- Assembly - Document
- 03/12/2019