2021 AFoCO Annual Thematic Dialogue | |
Date | 25 October 2021 (Monday) |
Time | 13:00 – 18:00 PM (GMT+9, Seoul time) |
Venue | Hybrid |
Registration | CLICK HERE (https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3zNPxpcKTDm8tX77cKRs7A) |
Participants | – Delegations of Parties and Observers to AFoCO Assembly – Other prospective member countries in Asia, including 4 Central Asia countries – Partner organizations and potential partner countries beyond the Asian region |
The Annual Thematic Dialogue is a dialogue session and platform for forward-looking discussions among AFoCO and its member countries to guide strategic planning processes and programming for the coming years. This activity also aims to harvest the interests of member countries in achieving AFoCO’s regional and global responsibilities and engage diverse stakeholder groups to make AFoCO’s operations relevant to ongoing policy processes and country-specific contexts in the member countries. This will be organized as an annual event with a theme-based discourse on topics that are strategically timely and relevant.
With this year’s theme of “Roles of AFoCO in Unleashing the Full Potential of Forests to Meet Paris Climate Goals and Building Back Better and Greener from COVID-19”, the dialogue expectsto explore and discuss the potential roles of Asia’s forests and the forestry sector in the global action on climate change and how they contribute to a healthy and green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The event also intends to collectively identify priority actions, showcase best practices, and facilitate insightful discussions to solicit ideas and future plans.
The targeted participants of the event are delegations of Parties and Observers to AFoCO, representatives from other countries in Asia including Central Asia, as well as partner organizations and potential partners beyond Asia.
Program of 2021 AFoCO Annual Thematic Dialogue
Opening & Introduction: AFoCO in the Triple Challenges Facing Asia and the Globe
Speaker: Mr. Ricardo Calderon, Executive Director, AFoCO
SESSION 1. Roles of AFoCO in unleashing the full potential of forests to meet Paris climate goals and building back better and greener from COVID-19
Moderator and Lead Author: Dr. Park Mi Sun, Associate Professor, Seoul National UniversityInspirational speeches:
- “Making Asian forests and trees enhance resilience to climate change”,
Speaker: Mr. Alexandre Meybeck, Senior Technical Advisor, CGIAR, CIFOR - “Lessons learned from the impact of COVID-19 on forest – why forests matter in post COVID-19 recovery”
Speaker: Dr. Chandra Silori, Deputy Executive Director, RECOFTC, Thailand
SESSION 2. Strategic reflections on selective outputs of 2021 Activities
Moderator: Mr. Chencho Norbu, Technical Advisor for AFoCO
- “Assessment of AFoCO Project Impact and Best Practices” consultancy
Speaker: Dr. Jürgen Blaser, Ord. Professor, Bern University of Applied Sciences - “Improvement on the Global Forest Goals (GFGs) Implementation: Streamlining forest-related reporting and developing methodologies for measuring performance”
Speaker: Dr. Lee Yeongjoo, Director, Planning and Budget Division, AFoCO
Closing Remarks: Mr. Jin Sunpil, Vice Executive Director, AFoCO
2021 AFoCO Annual Thematic Dialogue – Background Discussion Paper