Goals & Objectives
- Capacity building of the Implementing Countries on forest resources inventory/assessment through supporting satellite imagery and facilities to use GIS/RS technology and developing training modules
- Enhancing the involvement of the local communities in forest-related activities to address climate change
- Strengthening community resilience through alternative livelihood
- Exchange of expertise and experiences among the Implementing Countries and the Republic of Korea
- Review of the current state of capacity and ability of Forest Resource Assessment
- Capacity Building Programs for use of satellite imagery for Forest Resource Assessment
- Supporting high-resolution satellite images and inventory equipment in Implementing Countries
- Awareness-raising programs and engagement of local communities
The project activities were designed at two different levels: a national level and regional level, which were closely coordinated to build capacities in utilizing GIS/Remote Sensing (RS) technologies and narrow the gap in National Forest Resource Assessment (FRA).
- Country and regional workshops on FRA identified the gap among Implementing Countries.
- Comparative study of satellite imagery in FRA of AMS to the Republic of Korea (25-29 August 2014) enabled each Implementing Countries to know the various uses of GIS/RS technologies in the field of forest disaster management as well as sustainable forest management.
- Meanwhile, each Implementing Country has procured high-resolution satellite imagery and equipment to support the use of GIS/RS technology for FRA.
- Also a syllabus and modules on “Application of RS ad GIS Technology to Support Forest Resource Assessment” were developed and “Training for Trainers” was organized in Vientiane, Lao PDR (22-27 September 2014) at a regional level.
- These modules were transferred to each Implementing Countries to improve the knowledge and skills of RS/GIS technology for each of their national agencies and officials in charge. In addition, each Implementing Countries have also been conducting the activities to involve local communities around the forests more to the execution of climate change mitigation actions supporting the mechanism of REDD+.
- Each Implementing Country has been conducting a study on alternative livelihoods for the selected local communities and is expected to organize national training for raising awareness among the local communities.
- Study tour on REDD+ Demonstration Activities Involving Local Communities were arranged twice to Meru Betiri National Park (East Java, Indonesia) and Rinjani Barat Protection Forest (Lombok, Indonesia) respectively in March and September of 2015 to learn best practices and exchange experiences among the ASEAN Member State