Goals & Objectives
The major objectives of the Restoration Component of Landmark Program in Cambodia are to implement a long-term tree breeding plan and to strengthen the restoration and tree breeding capabilities of the Forestry Administration in Cambodia. The objectives of the project are to:
- Implement the long-term tree breeding plan; and
- Strengthen the restoration and tree breeding capabilities of FA in Cambodia
Main Activities
- Objective 1
- Selecting plus tree of 3 targeted major timber species (Dalbergia cochinchinensis, Pterocarpus macrocarpus and Dipterocarpus intricatus)
- Establishing progeny test plantation (24 ha) to confirm the superiority of selected plus trees upon their progenies and to provide genetic information
- Establishing seed orchard (6 ha) to collect genetically superior seeds in the future
- Establishing of demonstration forest (18 ha) to maintain the genetic resources via ex-situ conservation and to conduct long-term monitoring
- Silvicultural management in genetic resources conservation forest and forest restoration area (200 ha) through weeding, pruning, measuring, monitoring, and protecting the area from forest fires by constructing firebreak lines
- Objective 2
- Training on tree breeding for the FA technical staffs in the ROK and Cambodia
- Providing education programs on the restoration techniques and tree breeding
- Providing Local training on forest protection for villagers
Publishing of textbooks on tree breeding in Cambodia (English/Khmer) based on the experiences and knowledge obtained over the duration of implementation
Expected Outputs
- 24 ha of progeny test plantation established in Khun Ream, Siem Reap and another place in a separate area
- 6 ha of seed orchard established
- 18 ha of demonstration forest established
- Successful silvicultural management in genetic resources conservation forest and forest restoration area of 200 ha
- The capabilities of restoration and tree breeding of the Forestry Administration in Cambodia strengthened through the provided trainings and education programs