Goal & Objectives
The Restoration Component of the Landmark Progam in Viet Nam aims to sustainably rehabilitate and develop mangrove forest ecosystems, protect biodiversity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, minimize impacts of climate change, protect the coastal dyke system, enhance knowledge related to mangrove forests, and improve livelihoods of local communities in the long-run. The objectives of the project are to:
- Afforest, rehabilitate and sustainably manage mangrove forest ecosystems in Thai Binh province; and
- Raise awareness and enhance knowledge and capacity for local communities on rehabilitation, protection and sustainable development of mangrove forests, biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and livelihood improvement strategies
Main Activities
- Objective 1
- Survey and develop a detailed design with maps on the new afforestation, supplementary planting and the protection of mangrove forest of 960 ha
- Collect relevant data and documents from previous programs, projects and studies
- Carried outsurveyon the current mangrove forest status, social and economic conditions in two project districts (Tien Hai and Thai Thuy) of Thai Binh province
- Develop detailed design for new planting, supplementary planting, and forest protection
- Plant 80 ha of new mangrove forest and supplementary planting in the areas through mono plantation
- Objective 2
- Conduct a survey on the training needs assessment
- Prepare one plan for capacity building for the project areas
- Develop the training evaluation forms for ten (10) training courses
- Produce at least 10 training documents and ten (10) communication products on the topics of seed selection, seedling production, planting and tendering techniques, protection of mangrove forests
- Organize meetings at the commune level to discuss the idea and prepare the regulations finalize the regulations with communes and submit them to the Competent Authority for approval
- Support 4 communes to implement the regulations on the mangrove forest management in each commune
- Monitor and review the implementation of the regulations for further revision
- Conduct 2 study tours to neighboring countries to learn about sustainable mangrove management and conservation and management of ecotourism sites
Expected Outputs
- 80 ha of new mangrove forest planted with supplementary planting (enrichment) of 80ha
- 960ha of mangrove forest (including new areas of afforestation and supplementary planting, and existing mangrove areas) successfully protected
- Utilization of 2 maps to monitor the project’s achievements for respective commune, including: 1) present land use map and 2) project intervention map
- A technical survey report and detailed design for the new planting, supplementary planting, protection of mangrove forest produced
- Training packages for ten (10) training courses on mangrove restoration and management, including nursery management, planting techniques, protection and conservation produced
- Regulations on the management of mangrove forests in 4 communes established
- Reports on domestic and international study tours produced
- Publicity activities in the project sites, including the use of signboards and posters, and the distribution of leaflets and booklets, etc developed and operated
- Provincial plan on mangrove development and protection prepared and submitted to the Competent Authority for approval
- Instruction on Nursery Technique for 3 Mangrove Species
Hướng Dẫn Kỹ Thuật Vườn Ươm 3 Loài Cây Ngập Mặn - Develop Seedling Standard, Approval Standard for Silvicultural Activities
Xây Dựng Tiêu Chuẩn Cây Con, Tiêu Chuẩn Nghiệm Thu Các Hoạt Động Lâm Sinh - Guidance on New Planting and Supplementary Planting Technique for 3 Mangrove Species
Hướng Dẫn Kỹ Thuật Trồng Mới Và Trồng Bổ Sung 3 Loài Cây Ngập Mặn - Guidance on Mangrove Forest Community-based Management
Hướng Dẫn Quản Lý Rừng Ngập Mặn Dựa Vào Cộng Đồng - Monitoring and Evaluation Plan of Silvicultural Activities
Kế Hoạch Giám Sát, Đánh Giá Các Hoạt Động Lâm Sinh