Goal & Objectives
The project aims to develop P. caribaea forests on degraded land in the northern mountainous regions by improving high-quality seedling production, developing intensive cultivation techniques, and appropriate P.caribaea timber processing and preservation technology to meet market demands and provide raw materials for the timber processing industry. The specific objectives are outlined are as follows:
- To improve high-quality P. caribaea seedling production by selecting at least 150 plus trees from seed orchards and other relevant sources; development of 10ha of transformed seed stands and 4ha of seed orchards; completion of sexual and asexual propagation techniques to create high-quality seedlings and transfer them to production;
- To develop and transfer the guideline of intensive forest plantation to production by plantation of 11ha of model forest from created seedlings; and
- To propose and develop appropriate techniques to use P. caribaea timber in the timber processing industry to meet market demands.
Expected Outputs
The project has twelve expected outputs:
- Select plus trees and collect seeds (150 plus trees);
- Establish seed orchards and transformed seed stands (transgenic seedling forest);
- Improve the propagation techniques of P. caribaea by seeds, cuttings, and grafting;
- Conduct communication activities, capacity building, and awareness-raising on seed production;
- Determine suitable sites to plant P. caribaea in the northern mountainous region;
- Develop model forest plantation (with mix and pure plantation) on degraded land, plantation of NTFPs and native species under the forest canopy of P. caribaea;
- Provide technical training on forest rehabilitation, determination of soil/site conditions for planting P. caribaea;
- Conduct activities of communication, capacity building, and awareness-raising on intensive forest plantation;
- Survey and access markets of pinewood and P. caribaea timber inside and outside the country;
- Complete P. caribaea timber preservation techniques;
- Develop techniques to produce P. caribaea finger joint boards; and
- Conduct activities of communication, capacity building, awareness-raising on preservation and processing of post-harvesting P. caribaea timber.