Goal & Objectives
The project aims to strike a balance between sustaining the livelihoods of rural people and biodiversity conservation, it is necessary to fill the gaps for rural development such as limited alternative job opportunities, reduced productivity of crops because of climate change as well as limited initial support and technology and limited market access. Meanwhile, it is also necessary to enhance knowledge on forest conservation by promoting existing extension activities by the Forest Department. The establishment of a model forest village is an ideal approach that can maintain a balance for the sustainability of forests and local people’s livelihood through generating alternative income-generating opportunities and community participation in forest conservation, development of community forestry and agroforestry, and systematic management of land-use practices. Therefore, the establishment of a model forest village is timely to set the stage for forest conservation in Myanmar. The specific objectives are outlined as follows:
- To establish model forest villages to improve rural livelihood and ensuring sustainable landscape; and
- To develop community-based tourism and community-based enterprise.
Expected Outputs
The project has three expected outputs:
- Improvement of community forest (CF), home garden, sustainable shifting cultivation (a shifting cultivation practice that has a defined rotation and a well-prepared plan), and community-based tourism;
- Development of community-based tourism and community-based enterprise; and
- Improved knowledge on updated forestry techniques, management, and policy of the Forest Department. The outcomes of this project will also address the rural development policy of Myanmar drafted in 2019.
Locations of project sites