Goal & Objectives
The project aims to strengthen the country’s efforts for reforestation and sustainable forest management made by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) and the Office of Director General of Forestry, Coffee and Industrial Plants (DGFCIP) through the development and dissemination of agroforestry-based reforestation models in collaboration with MAF Development Partners (DPs), NGOs, and local communities. The main objectives are outlined as follows:
- Promote reforestation throughout the country by developing and disseminating agroforestry-based reforestation models suitable for introducing in different natural conditions in the typical agro-ecological zones in the country and effective in satisfying the needs of local communities;
- Strengthen institutional capacity of MAF and DGFCIP and the relevant offices to promote reforestation and sustainable forest management in collaboration with MAF, DPs, NGOs, and local communities; and
- Build and strengthen linkages with relevant stakeholders in the country as well as the region, especially with AFoCO member countries, for knowledge sharing and scaling up of agroforestry-based reforestation models.
Main Activities
- Objective 1
- Conduct a Participatory Land Use Planning (PLUP) in the sucos of 6 municipalities including preparation of Future Land Use Plan and Village Regulations to manage forest and other natural resources
- Establish the Community-Based Nature Resources Management (CBNRM) mechanisms in the sucos of 6 target municipalities and periodically monitor the effectiveness in a participatory manner
- Develop a set of technical manuals on the development of the agroforestry-based reforestation models
- Establish demonstration plots on the agroforestry-based models in the target sucos through a series of on-farm training of farmers and field schools
- Monitor, evaluate and record the process and results of development and management of the agroforestry-based reforestation models in target villages
- Objective 2
- Formulate an institutional development plan in consultation of different stakeholders
- Communicate with different institutions in ASEAN countries to arrange and conduct training, workshop and study hours
- Organize and conduct study tours, training programs in collaboration with different resource institutions
- Objective 3
- Extract and document lessons and good practices through monitoring and evaluation of the project activities
- Share the results including lessons learned and good practices from the project with other MAF DPs and AFoCO member countries
- Strengthen the linkages and networking to share knowledge and provide guidance with MAD DPs and AFoCO member countries of scaleup of agroforestry-based reforestation models
Expected Outputs
- Strengthened institutional capacity of MAF and DGFCIP
- CB-NRM mechanism and reforestation, especially suitable agroforestry-based reforestation models efficiently promoted throughout the country
- Strengthened linkages with relevant stakeholders for knowledge sharing at both the national and regional levels