Goals & Objectives
The project aims to restore forest resources (timber and NTFP) and increase revenue for community members in order to sustainably maintain community forests.
- To ensure the community forest is well managed by the local community, capable of protecting the forest, producing seedlings, and implementing forest restoration
- To rehabilitate the community forest by using multiple species with high economic value and sustainably managed to benefit the local communities
- To disseminate the project experiences and lessons in order to ensure the beneficial effects on other CFs and to sustain the activities after project completion
Main Activities
Objective 1
- Training- needs assessment on seedling production, forest restoration, and marketing of forest products and CFMP preparation
- Training plan preparation: (experts, training materials, and training sites)
- Training on nursery management and forest restoration and CFMP preparation for the local community and local FA to enhance knowledge and skill on nursery management and forest restoration and CFMP preparation
- Computer Literacy Training for young CF members on the use of computer
- Organizing the training on GIS, RS, and database management for local FA and project staff members
- Conducting a baseline survey of socio-economic conditions of the population managing the CF
- Conducting a cross-training for the project team members in the Philippines on participatory CFMP development
- Conducting a participatory resources mapping of the community forest and forest inventory
- Conducting a community visioning of the CF and draft action plan
- Preparation of a 10-year forest management/restoration plan
- Presentation/ handing of a forest restoration plan to local communities
Objective 2
- Planning for tree nursery construction
- Establishment of a tree nursery in Nakta Thmar Prong CF
- Establishment of a tree nursery in the Gulf FA Inspectorate
- Preparation of e a business plan for the nursery in the Gulf FA Inspectorate
- Enrichment planting of high-value timber trees, rattan, and fruit trees
- Planting of bamboos, fruit trees, and Melaleuca cajiputi trees
- Monitoring of the forest restoration sites
- Planting trees in agroecosystems
- Establishment of the patrolling station/CF headquarters in the CF
- Provision of support to community and local FA to conduct regular patrolling
- Fire break construction
- Erecting of signposts and billboards
Objective 3
- Production of a guideline on community forest restoration which would act as a stimulus of forest restoration in other CFs
- Supporting research activities by university students and or researchers
- Development of extension materials (leaflets, posters, and TV spots) to showcase and share the lessons learned for showcasing the project and sharing lessons learned
- Sharing experiences with other CFs
- Production of a policy brief containing the lessons learned and policy recommendations to improve the CF
- Organization of webinars for the project
Expected Outputs
- Implementation of Capacity Building Plan
- Development of CF Restoration Plan Developed
- Establishment of tree nurseries to supply seedlings for forest restoration in the CF and the coastal region
- Forest restoration implemented in the community forest
- CF area covered by protection interventions
- Knowledge and lessons learned about the impacts of forest restoration on socioeconomic and environment are documented and shared
- Policy Brief Containing the Policy Recommendations to Improve the CF Program Implementation