Goals & Objectives of Project
To establish ASEAN-Korea Garden to strengthen regional forest cooperation, promote eco-tourism and educational programs. The target project site for the establishment of the garden is within the Vietnam National University of Forestry (VNUF) campus.
Main Activities
Objective 1: Establish and increase green spaces in Hanoi Capital
- Conduct baseline survey and prepare ASEAN-Korea Garden documents
- Conduct actual project site assessment and preparation for detailed planning
- Visit and learn from the botanical garden in Korea
- Develop detailed design of ASEAN-Korea Garden and conduct workshop
- Construction of ASEAN-Korea Garden building, landscape, and functional zones and areas
- Establish the garden management unit and approve the action plan for short and long term activities and management plan
Objective 2: Promote research and development of high-value plant species in the context of climate change
- Select plant species with high economic value cultural significance
- Plant and manage the plant species with high economic value and cultural significance
Objective 3: To promote educational and awareness program on biodiversity conservation, environmental management, promote ecotourism and forestry knowledge sharing in the region
- Develop educational and awareness raising models and programs
- Develop a video clip on the ASEAN-Korea Garden
- Share the developed programs as open access resources for the public
- Organize eco-tourism activities in the garden with the participation of local people, students in and around Hanoi and other visitors
Objective 4: To strengthen cooperation between Vietnam, Korea and ASEAN countries
- The ASEAN-Korea Garden is established and maintained in the campus of Vietnam National University of Forestry (VNUF) for the public’s educational benefit
- High economic and cultural value species is effectively conserved and developed in the context of climate change
- Educational and awareness raising programs on restoration, biodiversity conservation and forest based eco-tourism activities are designed, implemented, and promoted
- Operation of cultural exchange activities among Vietnam, Korea and ASEAN countries
Exepcted Outputs
- The ASEAN-Korea Garden is established and maintained in the campus of VNUF for public and educational benefits
- High value plant species is effectively conserved and developed in the context of climate change
- Educational and awareness programs on restoration, biodiversity conservation and forest based eco-tourism activities are designed, implemented, and promoted
- Operation of cultural exchange activities among Vietnam, Korea and ASEAN Countries