11th Project Coordination Meeting (PCM) Held Online for Domestication of Endangered, Endemic & Threatened Plant Species in Disturbed Terrestrial Ecosystems in Malaysia & Thailand

As the project embarks onto its final year, the 11th Project Coordination Meeting (PCM) was held virtually on 22 February 2022 for project AFoCO/010/2016, Domestication of Endangered, Endemic & Threatened Plant Species in Disturbed Terrestrial Ecosystems in Malaysia & Thailand. The meeting was joined by the AFoCO Secretariat, project managers and staff from both Malaysia and Thailand, and was chaired by Thailand, Mr. Sapol Boonsermsuk, National Focal Point of AFoCO and Director of the Forestry Foreign Affair Office at the Royal Forest Department of Thailand who warmly welcomed everyone to the meeting.

The following agendas were discussed as planned:
(1) Review on the progress of implementation of the project
(2) Review on the Work and Budget Plan for 2022
(3) Technical discussion on project completion

Dr. Ho Waimun, project manager for Malaysia and Ms. Phungphan Whuangplong from Thailand provided a brief presentation covering the project implementation and financial progress in each country and to go over the work and budget plan for 2022. The AFoCO Secretariat acknowledged the hard work and effort involved in striving towards the completion of the project, especially during such difficult and challenging times during a global pandemic. The presentation was followed by a technical discussion on the procedures on project completion and closure, where the schedule of the Final Coordination and Evaluation Meeting and drafting of the project completion report was discussed and agreed upon between the Secretariat and the implementing countries. It was agreed that a separate write shop would be organized to guide the project managers and staff in drafting and consolidating the completion report. The meeting also discussed technical matters such as COVID-19 related regulations and potential situations regarding the 15th World Forestry Congress in May 2022, Seoul.

The meeting ended with hopes that the COVID-19 situation would improve in the future for the Final Coordination and Evaluation Meeting meeting to be held in person and for both Malaysia and Thailand side to visit Seoul and the Secretariat in time for the 15th World Forestry Congress in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Online 11th PCM held on 22 February 2022

Submitted by Cha Jiyea, Assistant Program Officer

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