Goals & Objectives of Project
To promote the forest and biodiversity conservation toward healthy human well-being
Main Activities
Objective 1: To promote human well-being and rescue tree and plant species threatened/displayed through the establishment of ASEAN-Korea Garden
- Conduct stakeholder workshop on ASEAN-Korea Garden (Government complex of Vientiane)
- Conduct actual project site assessment and preparation for detailed planning
- Develop detailed design of ASEAN-ROK Gardens, ASEAN-ROK traditional villages, native forest plantation zone, forest and biodiversity exhibition hall, and forest trails (3km)
- Actual construction of ASEAN-ROK Gardens, traditional villages, and the forest and biodiversity exhibition hall and conduct regular monitoring
- Equip the garden with ICT facilities and supporting materials
- Renovate natural ponds with supporing infrastructures (bridge)
- Conduct quality assurance and quality control for all facilities
- Conduct official inauguration ASEAN-ROK Garden
Objective 2: To increase public awareness on forest and biodiversity conservation, and to share experience and best practices on the development of ASEAN-ROK Garden globally
- Conduct technical meeting with experts on forest and biodiversity to develop awareness raising programs on forest and biodiveristy
- Develop forest and biodiversity education handbook for forest trainers, guards, and gardeners
- Provide vocational training to forest trainers, guards, gardeners on tourist accommodation protocol
- Conduct international exchange to ROK on forest recreation/botanical gardens for forest trainers, guards, and local Department of Forestry (DoF) officers
- Develop a video clip on ASEAN-Korea Garden and organize a dissemination workshop on ASEAN-Korea Garden for public and private schools in Vientiane Capital and Luangprabang Province
- Conduct national workshop on ASEAN-Korea garden long-term management planning (10 years)
- Prepare ASEAN-Korea Garden Rules and Procedure (R&P) for local forest trainers, guards, visitors, and staffs
Objective 3: To develop tourist market linkage and prepare sustainable financial planing to sustain the ASEAN-Korea Garden management in the long-run
- Conduct national tourist network workshop on ASEAN-Korea Garden
- Identify partnership with national and international tourist agencies
- Register ASEAN-Korea Garden at MOIC, Trip Adviser, Agoda, and Booking.com, etc
- Develop and launch ASEAN-Korea Garden webpage and social media page for potential visitors
- Conduct assessment on sustainable financing for ASEAN-Korea Garden
- Provide financial and technical support to forest guards, trainers for two years after officially launching the garden
- Provide maintenance materials to the hall and the garden for 2 years
Expected Outputs
- The ASEAN-ROK Gardens, including its ICT facilities are successfully constructed and strictly maintained, providing long-term benefits to the public
- The forest and biodiversity education program and ICT materials developed and put in place for implementation and monitoring
- Sustainable market linkage promoted, forest education enhanced, and sustainable forest finance for ASEAN-ROK Garden established