Capacity Building on Enhancing Resilience to Forest Fire, and Local Livelihood and Market Linkages


  • USD 8,502,562


  • AFoCO Funding

    USD 2,000,000 23.52%

  • Other Funding

    USD 6,502,562 76.48%


Goals & Objectives

Forests in the ASEAN region are being increasingly converted and degraded to accommodate the demands of increasing human populations. These coupled with other drivers of deforestation and degradation including forest fires occur cause massive damage to the environment. In fact, Forest Fire is a major threat and the impacts of forest fires on human life, property, and livelihoods will be intensified in the region.  Forest Fires are either anthropogenic or natural but most fires around the region are anthropogenic and intentional in nature that often spread from activities to clear forests for agricultural plantations or other economic activities. Supporting community forestry enterprises (CFEs) can provide sustainable economic options for local communities where forest fire occurrence or potential is high. CFEs have proven to add value to both local economies and larger value chains, CFEs have yet to be maximized in ASEAN’s plans for sustainable and equitable growth. Potential CFE markets within ASEAN are yet to be fully tapped and access to CFE capacity development programs is disparate particularly for countries such as Myanmar, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam. Hence, there is an urgent need in CLMV countries, to sustain local livelihoods and strengthen market linkages, and in turn, enhance resilience to forest fire and strengthen their forest management. The main objective is to enhance the capacities of CLMV countries on the integrated management of forest fires for the conservation of natural resources, enhancement of local livelihood, and promotion of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The specific objectives are as follows:

  1. Develop an integrated fire management system through the introduction of early detection and monitoring systems, provision of fire suppression equipment, and involvement of local communities along with restoration of forest land disturbed by fire.
  2. Strengthening Capacities and Market Linkages in Community Forestry MSME.
  3. Strengthen institutional and technical capacities for the integrated management of forest fires through training programs and public awareness-raising activities.

The project includes regional activities, capacity development activities, and project management arrangements. Regional activities will be mainly conducted by participating organizations based on consultations with experts and local communities. Training programs targeting government officers, researchers, experts in forestry and related fields as well as local communities in CLMV countries will be organized. In addition, capacity-building programs, such as regional workshops and/or training courses, will be organized for invited officials from the ASEAN Member States. Lastly, a project management committee meeting will be organized once a year in Korea for relevant stakeholders including participating organizations, AFoCO, ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (ACCMSME), and the ASEAN Secretariat.

Expected Outputs

  • Development of basic infrastructure and equipment for fire monitoring and prevention
  • Restoration/Reforestation of forest land disturbed by fire
  • Revitalization of local livelihood and reduce/eliminate man-made forest fires
  • Upscale at least 50-60 promising Mekong (CLMV) CFEs towards improved community livelihood appraisal, productivity, marketing, financial management and entrepreneurship
  • At least 40-50 Mekong (CLMV) CFE MSMEs with enhanced and concrete engagement to markets and forward and backward linkages    resulting in increased revenues, savings and expanded partnerships
  • At least 30-40 Mekong (CLMV) CFs/ CFEs with improved resource management practices and systems,  at least 20 of 40-60 CFEs having clearer, stronger forest resource access and/or progressing forest tenure recognition linked to forest products business, at least 30 local government with increased knowledge and skill on NTFP development and resource management
  • Training program and development of training modules/guidelines

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