Mongolia Green Resilient Landscapes (World Bank Technical Assistance Project)


  • USD 450,000


  • AFoCO Funding

    USD 50,000 11.11%

  • Other Funding

    USD 400,000 88.89%


Mongolia USD 450,000
    • 2025
    • 18%
    Other Funding - USD 80,950
    • 2026
    • 82%
    AFoCO Funding - USD 50,000
    Other Funding - USD 319,050

Goals & Objectives of Project

Support the development of the tools and capacity needed to assess the carbon sequestration potential of and develop sample investment plans that incorporate carbon finance for different silvicultural interventions under the Billion Tree National Movement (BTNM) by operationalizing carbon finance opportunities in the forest sector.

Main Activities

1. Develop carbon accounting tools and guidelines for different interventions under the BTNM

  • 1.1 Inception report including scoping review and detailed workplan for carrying out the assignment.
  • 1.2 Data gap analysis conducted to develop a 1.3 Data Improvement Plan
  • 1.4 Data collection and improvements (co-financed AFoCO-NIFoS research activity)
  • 1.5 Estimate of carbon sequestration and carbon finance potential of key BTNM interventions identified
  • 1.6 Carbon accounting tools and guidelines
  • 1.7 Complementary tool and guidelines for assessing leakage and permanence risks, and sustainable development co-benefits

2. Mainstream Knowledge for incorporating carbon finance in BTNM interventions Develop investment plans for key BTNM interventions incorporating carbon finance potential

  • 2.1 Training plan for the ToT in the host country and replication in Mongolia
  • 2.2 Training contents and material (e-module, TOT, knowledge exchange, in-country training)
  • 2.3 Training of trainers in host country
  • 2.4 Replication of training in Mongolia by trained trainers

3. Develop investment plans for key BTNM interventions incorporating carbon finance potential

  • 3.1 Green investment plans for key BTNM interventions considering different funding sources, investment needs, priority areas, and operational models for their implementation
  • 3.2 Stakeholder workshop to identify investment barriers and strategies to scale-up BTNM implementation

Expected Outputs

  • Support the Government of Mongolia’s plan to raise the ambition of its NDC through the BTNM and to pursue the Presidential goal of large-scale forest landscape restoration efforts;
  • Address critical knowledge gaps and build institutional capacity for accessing carbon finance for sustainable forestry practices in Mongolia, in a manner that ensures long-term viability (permanence) and in a sustainable (inclusive) way.
  • Complement the World Bank’s Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI) by identifying needs and opportunities in the forest sector for carbon market readiness.

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