
Overview of Forest Sector

Mongolia has about 18.6 million ha of forestlands occupying 11.8% of the country’s total land area. Of these, 11,968 ha are fire-prone areas, 1,241 ha are logged-over lands, 9,570 ha are pest-affected areas. Only 12.4 million ha, or 7.85% of the country’s territory, is actually covered by forests. Afforestated areas and naturally regenerated forested areas account for 2,305 ha, which shows the need to formulate and implement a new policy to reduce the degradation and loss of forest resources and restore and conserve forests.

All forest resources in Mongolia are state property. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia provides oversight supervision in terms of overall forest development and conservation, while aimag[1] and soum[2] administrations are responsible for forest management at the local level. Mongolian forest can be divided into two broad types of northern boreal forests and southern saxaul forests. Northern boreal forests, which form an ecological transition zone between the Siberian Taiga and the Central Asian Steppes, account for about 85% of the national forest estate across fourteen aimags. Southern saxual forests are found in the southern Gobi Desert and desert steppe regions. Although they consist of scattered trees and are limited in growth and biomass, southern saxaul forests play an important role in stabilizing arid zone land and reducing desertification.

[1] First-level administrative division (province) in Mongolia. There are 21 aimags.
[2] Second-level administrative division (district) in Mongolia. There are 331 soums.

Country Profile & Context

Mongolia’s Country Profile and Context provides a general overview of the country, including its geographic profile, administrative setup, population, socio-economic situation, climatic condition and biodiversity. The document also highlights major trends and issues in the forest and forestry sector. The information contained in this document has been gathered mainly through desk-based research and the review of available national statistics, national laws and policies, technical reports, and other secondary data sources, and subsequently validated by the focal agency of Mongolia. 

Click to download the document or access the country profiles HERE.
The country profiles will be updated on a regular basis.

Forest Policy Archive

2021-2050Policy“Vision-2050” Long-term Development Policy Document of MongoliaLinkLink
2021-2025Strategy/PlanNational REDD+ Strategy and Action PlanLinkLink
2021-2024Strategy/PlanAction Plan of the Government of MongoliaLinkLink
2017-2021Strategy/PlanMedium-Term Action Plan of State Policy on ForestLink
2015-2030PolicyState Policy on ForestLink
2015-2025ProgramNational Biodiversity Program (NBSAP)LinkLink
2014-2030PolicyGreen Development PolicyLinkLink
2010-2023ProgramNational Action Plan on Soil Protection and Combat DesertificationLink
2005-2035ProgramGreen Belt National ProgramLink
2020Strategy/PlanMongolia's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the UNFCCCLinkLink
2015LawLaw on ForestLinkLink
2009LawLaw to Prohibit Mineral Exploration and Mining Operations at Headwaters of Rivers, Protected Zones of Water Reservoirs and Forested AreasLinkLink
1995LawEnvironmental Protection Law of Mongolia fadsfasdadsLinkLink
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